*we didn't have a round 9 thread, so I will include a couple updates in this write up as well.*
Not much happened round 9 - the only significant points were - Molly was 100% leaving if Vanua lost the challenge, Robbie really wanted Nikki gone, Olivia strong armed Robbie, and Robbie reacted very poorly to not getting his way. With that out of the way... let's move on to....
MERGEInteresting players left here - I think no matter who wins, we are going to have a winner who gave it their all. Let's dive into how I think everyone will do with this group of people.
WARNING - I AM VERY CRITICAL IN THIS WRITE UP DONT BE OFFENDED IF I WROTE THIS ABOUT U... heck I'm probably going to trash who ends up eventually winning anyways so it's fine
AngelicaWay more of a threat than people are assuming. Because she's OG Maraamu, people assume she doesnt have numbers; however, she is part of the "Dylans" alliance, which is Olivia/Nikki/Willow/Kyle/herself. Seems like a somewhat strong alliance, but I think everyone will get selfish in this alliance once a few "easier" people are booted. Angelica has built a strong relationship with each of these individuals, as well as Genki (and through extension Molly). I think she's never going to be viewed as a threat, and by extension she has a really good chance make it towards the endgame. Her problem would come if the Michael/Aparri dymanic wins out... if that's the case, she gets picked off by default.
ChrisChris is in a horrible spot. He was on the bottom of Vanua - which I think he knows deep down but he keeps blaming his paranoia for these thoughts. He played too messy, made the wrong assumptions, and gave info to the wrong people. You'd assume he has Koror to run back to... nope he doesn't have that either. Chris made a terrible mistake in A. Trying to target Robbie in the first swap, because Robbie knows this and B. Telling Michael that Robbie has the idol... because Michael gave Robbie this bit of information and now Robbie is never going to trust Chris again. By default, Olivia doesn't trust Chris, and Trey doesn't trust Chris because of the Vanua dynamic. He's done for.. the question is, which round in the next 3 rounds is he going to be voted out? Watching him paranoid and running around is kind of fun though, ngl!
GenkiGenki is not viewed as an immediate threat, but he does have working relationships with Angelica, Michael/Kaitlyn to a degree, and most importantly Molly. Realistically, this SHOULD help him. The problem Genki is going to face is that if he's not careful, he's going to be picked off as a result of a big player trying to hurt someone else's numbers. Genki needs to do a bit more in these next few rounds to make sure he's knows as more than "Molly's ally" or "Angelica's ally," because sooner rather than later he's either going to lose his allies or he's going to be clipped in an attempt to weaken them. I think strategically, he NEEDS to get back in good with Kaitlyn/Michael, keep good with Molly/Angelica, and ride the middle for as long as possible. If he does this, he's going to make it pretty far, but I don't know if he will? I'm not predicting first merge boot, but I won't be shocked if he meets his fate early.
KaitlynStarting to get Taylor from last season vibes. Kaitlyn is sweet, savvy, and easy to talk to. I think without Michael Brady in the game, Kaitlyn has a solid shot of making it very far in the game... maybe even making it to the end. She's not perceived as a threat, but the fact that people assume that she's close to MB means that she is in trouble. I am worried that she is going to get punished for Michael's "idol" that nobody found, she's going to get punished for being strong in challenges, and she's going to be punished for not having met a few key people in the swap. Already getting robbed vibes but hoping she proves me wrong
KyleKyle is realllly fun to watch, and on paper he should be in a good spot. He has the Dylans, OG Aparri, and even members of Koror who are like "wow I love Kyle!" the problem is... everybody knows that everybody loves Kyle. We see this archetype every season in orgs... there's the person who's SO OBVIOUSLY WINNING because they're aligned with the right people, are super likable, and have options... but just like in ORG past, Kyle is going to be picked off at 8th, 7th, or 6th place, because winners always go out in those spots. His good positioning is going to catch up to him, and he has a chance at proving me wrong if people implode (cough Robbie/Olivia/Michael), he just needs to somehow convince the right side that he's not the guy to cut. Not sure which side is the right side left.
MichaelLiterally everyone's so scared of him, especially the people who haven't met him. Time and time again Michael finds himself in these hard positions, but time and time again he somehow escapes. Michael is a capable and strong player, but I think that he's doomed unless he SOMEHOW gets his way these next few votes. Merge boots 1 & 2 dictate if MB makes it far or not, he can't afford to lose any numbers. Michael has a great relationship with Kaitlyn, Trey, Nikki, Kyle. He also has a working relationship with Willow and he's aware that he needs to rebuild with Genki. Michael.. for some reason however.. is convinced he can win Robbie over as his ride or die??? I get it. On paper, Robbie and Michael are unstoppable if they put their shit aside and team up, but Robbie is just too skeptical and paranoid for it to work. Michael can keep trying this angle if he wants, but he's already told Robbie too much and if he keeps doing it he's just going to bury his own game. I'm actually rooting for him to succeed though... which is weird because I rarely root for men LOL.
MollyMolly has a lot going for her - she's enthusiastic, has people who adore her, and isn't anyone's pick for the first vote (YET). Molly's problem, which I'll rarely ever see this as a problem, is her lack of experience. I don't believe Molly has awareness when it comes to the fact that people are lying to her (such as Trey, Willow, and Kaitlyn). She also comes off as too formal... she thinks her teacher approach is a strength, but she's been called out by others for this quality and I think it's a huge weakness. I also don't think Molly has had a taste of failure yet.. when that happens, you get a high and assume you're untouchable. Molly is going to lose numbers sooner than she expects, and I am curious to see if Molly has what it takes to recover from a loss like this just because I haven't seen it yet. Regardless though, Molly's downfall (or uprising) is going to be epic and I'm excited to see it.
NikkiNikki has been really fun and I love her energy, but I don't think she realizes quite how many times she's been in trouble. She knows that Robbie said her name the round Bridget left, but I don't think she realizes that she was the vote until Olivia put her foot down and stopped it last second. She has so many relationships that are good for her, similar to Kyle, including Dylans and OG Aparri. Nikki is one of those "obvious threats" though who struggles to lay low. I think Nikki has a 0.1% chance at making the end UNLESS her jury management starts off poor and people see that as a benefit, but I would ADORE if Nikki proved me wrong because I love when strong women do well
OliviaOlivia has consistently delivered, having an amazing first swap performance (until slightly slipping at the end) and pushing/succeeding in the Jordan vote. I think on paper Olivia has an easy ride to the end. But point blank, she is waaaay too connected. If she decides she's going to keep all the Dylans and all the Korors strong... that brings her to what... final 9? She is really smart in realizing she needs to keep people outside of her circle safe so her circle feels like they have their own numbers, but I think the second Olivia pulls the trigger she becomes a huge threat. The reason why? Her actively flipping on someone makes it HER move... and people are going to be intimidated to sit with her moves at the end. I think Olivia can continue to pull this juggling act off for awhile, but the second it falls it's going to fall hard. Definitely a mid-mid/late merge boot if I had to guess.
RobbieHe has all the tools he needs to be a great player!!! He has an idol, he's sooo charming, he has people falling on the sword trying to work with him, you'd think Robbie is a shoe in in this game... but he lets things get to his head, and I think Robbie is going to be the reason Robbie dies in this game. He blew up at Olivia last round for not saving JORDAN of all people... so imagine what he's going to do when he loses an actual number. He has a hardcore hate boner for Michael Brady, who is seriously considering working with him at this point. He's also too obviously liked by everyone. I think Robbie assumes that his skepticism towards everything is going to help him succeed, but I think if Robbie chilled out and stopped worrying about having control that he'd be a frontrunner.
TreyI feel like he's in a pretty good spot? Trey still has working relationships with both Koror (with the exception of not trusting Chris/Molly anymore), he has a working relationship with his Kaitlyn/Michael/Willow alliance, he also has a slight relationship with Kyle. He's got a lot going for him. I'm curious if people are going to go to stick their neck out for Trey though? Trey has the luxury of being able to lay low, but I wonder to what degree people will stick their neck out for Trey if something goes wrong for him. I also am excited to see if Trey is willing to push his agenda or if he's going to keep doing what works for him and lays low. I think he has the best odds at making it far... but my read may be totally off LOL! We will see.
WillowNot an immediate threat, but I have no read on how well Willow is going to do. She has an in with Olivia/Kyle/Angelica, she also has an in with Michael/Kaitlyn/Kyle. Willow is not an aggressive player in any sense of the word, but she's also not in immediate danger. If these players decide that this is going to be a "compromise vote" type merge, then she is in trouble along with players like Kaitlyn, Genki, etc. If this is a "big targets are gonna go" type merge, however, Willow is making the end. I genuinely believe Willow's success will ride on how well her locked allies do. She's her own person that I love sm, but she's definitely not an aggressive player.
OverallI feel like the pattern I'm seeing in all of these players is that they're all convinced they have control, which cancels out and really puts none of them in control. Ironically, the only person who doesn't seem convinced they have any shot is Michael but that's just a personality trait at this point LOL. VERY weird dynamic. Their conversations are focused less on what is realistic and is more focused on what they want - it's going to be hard for anyone to fully get their way which is why I love two swaps. Excited to see how things play out